The vertigo of Barça to score first

Barcelona has started 2023 consolidating its leadership in LaLiga after the victory in the Metropolitan, qualifying for the round of 16 of the Cup and with the possibility of winning the first title this week, the Spanish Super Cup. Good results that do not hide the shortcomings of the team Xavi Hernandez, who remains faithful to his philosophy of maintaining control of the ball and betting on taking the initiative in the game, but who cannot disguise the irregularity in his proposal. These three games of the new year make it clear: a brilliant start by the Catalans, overflowing on the wing, strong in pressure, vertical in attack, successful in the rival area and solid in defense. The result: goal against Espanyol in minute 7 (Marcos Alonso), against the Intercity in minute 3 (Araujo) and in front of the Atletico Madrid in minute 22 (Dembélé).

The problem comes after the opening of the marker. Unable to close the games, Barcelona recoils, gives prominence to the rival and ends up suffering the unspeakable until ask for the time, as in these last three shocks. Going ahead in the electronic, far from generating tranquility seems to install the culés in an unsafe scenario, a vertigo that uncovers the team’s seams. With the duel fully controlled but lacking in effectiveness, they missed the numerous chances generated against Espanyol, who ended up drawing a penalty. He also found himself against the ropes against Intercity, a First RFEF team that he traced up to three times and forced the extension. And against Atlético he was able to add the three points due to his defensive solidity, although the rojiblancos had 19 shots on goal, with very clear chances that did not materialize. “We let them escape alive,” Simeone’s players lamented in the Metropolitan locker room, who did not react until the goal from Dembele’s. From then on, Atlético was in control and enjoyed the chances for Xavi’s anguish, who at half-time tried to redirect the game, without success.

«I have told them that we had to dominate and have the ball. We have known how to suffer. But it is important to have the ball because it is our philosophy of the game, “acknowledged the coach, aware that the victory was achieved due to the ability to keep a clean sheet:” We have suffered. We have abused the pass back to Ter Stegen. He leaves us a message that without playing well you can also win. On Espanyol day we played very well and we didn’t win. Today we have suffered we have defended… You have to play forward. It was important to play in the opposite field, and when we are in ours we must have more alternatives to get out of the pressure. But I think we played a great game, especially in defense.”

If last week Xavi complained about a lack of forcefulness in both areas, against Atlético they celebrated Dembélé’s goal and the success of Ter Stegen to add the three points. Barcelona has managed to keep their goal to zero in 12 of the 16 league games played. “They are numbers of the team that opts for the title,” he explained. Jordi Cruyff this Sunday, although the sports director also highlighted the need to be more effective in front of the rival goal.


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