The opinion on the dismissal of Abelardo: El Pitu and the shredder

The opinion on the dismissal of Abelardo: El Pitu and the shredder

Orlegi has already released the crusher of coaches, sports directors, managers of the ice cream cart… that hides in some corner of Mareo, already under construction on the way to a comprehensive rehabilitation so that they do not recognize the school or the parents and/or mothers who gave birth Abelardo is already history after the embarrassment of El Sardinero. Hot, without long reflections, the boss has got rid of Pitu after a streak that not many coaches would have resisted. Now comes the dance of names to replace the Gijón. The feverish minds of the cyberworlds of Yupi get excited thinking about Luis Enrique, Marcelino, Marcelo Bielsa… But, from what is known at the time of writing these lines, the boss is convinced by a coach profile with more future than past .

We will see what happens with a team that in the last two seasons has presented chilling numbers that indicate that sportingly, and except for a magical resurgence, it is in a worrying decline. Of the 65 league games played between this season and the previous one, Sporting have added 74 points out of the 195 at stake, which is less than 38 percent of the loot in contention. The worst thing is that since the first season after relegation, the team has never met the objectives set. That’s why the new boss and his boys have an arduous and long task ahead of them if they want to make the rojiblanco club a profitable company in the green that returns the investment made to date to the box, hey, dude?


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