Syracuse, “Civico 4”: “Citadel of sport and stadium examples of the failure of sports policies”

If Syracuse does not shine in terms of sports facilities, the reason is to be found in the lack of programming, although last year Italy reaped the fruits of a good job in several disciplines, from swimming to volleyball, from fencing to judo, from athletics to motorcycling.

“If our city, – says the leader of “Civico 4”, Michele Mangiafico – within the more complex country system, it also occupies rearguard positions in the sports arena, the region is precisely linked to the lack of planning, to a management declined on the basis of the emergency, to the lack of interest – beyond rhetoric – for sports facilities public”.

In May 2021, he rebuilds “Civico 4”, the municipal administration takes over the direct management of the Cittadella dello Sport.

“The result, after eight months, is there for all to see. – explains Mangiafico – The pool has suffered from poor maintenance, failure to restore the boiler, sub-standard temperatures have made sporting activities prohibitive. The city bears yet another announcement of the restoration of health and usability conditions in the month of February.

The problems are also with regard to the world of football, so loved by citizens: “In the “Nicola De Simone” stadium, the uncovering of the slab of the central grandstand made the sector unusable, forcing the fans for over a month to watch the matches in the lateral grandstand. The absence of interventions to date is proof of the lack of responsiveness to the problems of the current ruling class. Few, by now, speak of the vandalization of the sports center and aggregation of via Lazio, on whose closure and on whose litigation the responsibilities of the Administration are heavy. One of the most important areas of social recovery through sport has been taken away from the city, in one of the neighborhoods that have been most affected in these five years by the retreat of municipal institutions.”

“Civico4” calls for urgent action and concrete answers.

“It is no longer time for programs declined to the future in front of the terminus of the electoral judgment. – concludes Mangiafico – Syracuse needs to move on from carelessness, carelessness and carelessness. Current images of these plants provide voters with abundant tools for assessment.”


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