She is Argentine, she worked in the World Cup and fed up with the harassment in Qatar, she improvised an infallible plan

She is Argentine, she worked in the World Cup and fed up with the harassment in Qatar, she improvised an infallible plan

Florence Morere experienced an unexpected phenomenon during the World Cup in Qatar. He witnessed, on the one hand, the Argentine party of which he was a part despite working. It was also, harassed in various fields and systematically. “It was permanent,” he told him to TN.

The 39-year-old from Santa Fe arrived in Doha on November 14, after being accepted as a FIFA volunteer to work in two of the eight stadiums in which the competition that crowned Argentina was played.

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To achieve this, Florencia had to pass various instances of tests until the confirmation she received in August 2022. “I received the email during the last days of August. Then they gave us specific training. They gave me a role and I fulfilled it until the last day of the World Cup”, he recounted.

The graduate in Social Communication should have taken charge of the aerial ones. FIFA, like the other 19 Argentines who were part of the group of 2,000 volunteers, assured him the lodging and all daily meals.

The Social Communication graduate had to pay for airfare, while FIFA paid for her meals and accommodation (Photo: Florencia Morere).

Among the trainings, in addition to being over 18 and speaking English, the organization required that each volunteer have the necessary tools to resolve conflict, situations of violence, discrimination and also episodes of bullying.

This last point Florence experienced it firsthandby discovering the ways and attitudes of many Qataris in different settings and contexts.

“I understood it the day a man offered to take me from the apartment complex -he was inside- to the bus stop. Those 10 minutes that the trip lasted I felt the perception of him, that feeling that by taking me something could already happen between us”, he indicated.

Florencia managed to see six of the seven games played by the Argentine National Team in the stadiums (Photo: Florencia Morere).

Florencia managed to see six of the seven games played by the Argentine National Team in the stadiums (Photo: Florencia Morere).

His most desperate experience was lived with another man, whom he met on the subway going to one of the stadiums to work. “We were talking from the station to the field, something typical among tourists or people who wonder about things during a trip. When we arrived, I took my place and he disappeared. After a while he appeared to give me a soda, ”he recalled.

Florencia took that gesture in a good way. She perceived it as attention from a spectator who contemplated her situation and wanted to “relieve” the hours she had to spend at the entrance controls.

He arrived in Doha on November 14 and left on the 19th to spend Christmas and New Years in Europe (Photo: Florencia Morere).

He arrived in Doha on November 14 and left on the 19th to spend Christmas and New Years in Europe (Photo: Florencia Morere).

However, the next day I received a friend request from him on Instagram. The truth is that I received 10 or 12 per day, because they saw my name on the credential I was wearing. He did that, and wrote me to contact me. He told me that he wanted to see me again”, he counted.

Florencia did not respond to the invitation. She didn’t even answer him. “Then she appeared at the gate of another stadium, she was again as a spectator. It looks like he was looking for me, because he brought me a bag of chocolates”, he counted.

Not getting a response on Instagram, the man insisted on Facebook. “As soon as I saw the message, I blocked it”Florencia remarked, who suffered his presence again a few days later.

The woman from Santa Fe traveled to Qatar to work as a FIFA volunteer during the World Cup (Photo: Florencia Morere).

The woman from Santa Fe traveled to Qatar to work as a FIFA volunteer during the World Cup (Photo: Florencia Morere).

“He found out what I was doing, told me he knew what I liked, and showed up with another bag. There was a microphone for cell phones and more chocolates. The reality is that it was difficult not to accept it because I was working and I didn’t want to have an ugly situation in front of everyone,” the woman said.

Florencia continued: “It didn’t end there. Before leaving, he told me that he was waiting for me in that place when the game was over. There I got scared and talked to a partner. He suggested that I cut everything there, that I let him know.

While she didn’t have to see him after work, she decided to block him from Instagram as well, though the condition increased when he began to follow her on Twitter and comment on her posts.

In one of his free moments he was able to enjoy an excursion in the desert with camels (Photo: Florencia Morere).

In one of his free moments he was able to enjoy an excursion in the desert with camels (Photo: Florencia Morere).

He asked me why I had blocked him if he only wanted to talk and see me. There I told him that I did not want to know anything and it was over. I understood that it was a cultural issue, that they are not used to seeing sociable women and showing so much skin. I understood it, but I suffered it anyway,” said Florencia.

That situation was not the only one that the santafesina had to go through. He indicated that, like many Argentines who went to support the National Team, dealt with filming and messages on his cell phone that you didn’t expect while riding the subway or sunbathing on the beach.

The one on the beach was typical: they jumped in and stayed a few meters away, filming you. And it wasn’t two minutes, they could spend the whole afternoon like this. One afternoon I was with another girl and we had to ask two Argentines to sit with us so they would stop bothering us,” Florencia recalled.

The woman from Santa Fe has been working for years organizing sporting and musical events (Photo: Florencia Morere).

The woman from Santa Fe has been working for years organizing sporting and musical events (Photo: Florencia Morere).

He also narrated what he lived in the subway, where selfies were coming to him through AirDropwith the person’s phone number and words printed over the image that they could say “I like you a lot” or “I want to meet you”.

“I am single, but I have a ring that if I turn it around it looks like a wedding ring. When she left the accommodation she would do that and I placed on the right finger so they wouldn’t talk to me. That’s how I thought she was married, and for them it is punishable, by law, to mess with a woman with a husband,” Florencia said.

Also read: He traveled to Qatar twice and will sell his car to cover all debts: “I prefer not to say how much I spent”

“They also asked me for photos, but that didn’t bother me because it was more for our country. They were fanatics with Argentina. I think I took more photos than Messihe joked.

Florencia completed: “I was never afraid because I was never alone, there was always movement of people and a lot of security. In Argentina they approach you like this and you have other tools to defend yourself, but there I did not expect it. From a distance I naturalize it, but at the time it was very difficult ”.


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