Serious incidents between the fans of Goes and Aguada at the end of the classic at the Palace

Serious incidents between the fans of Goes and Aguada at the end of the classic at the Palace

The classic between Aguada and Goes ended with Serious incidents at the Peñarol Palace after the aguatero won 72-67 in a match corresponding to the 16th date of the Uruguayan Basketball League.

It all started when Luciano Planells, a player from Aguada and figure of the match, was rebuked by three Goes fans when he was giving an interview to Favio Ottonello from El Espectador at the end of the match.

“Look at me for a second,” Ottonello told him before asking him the first and only question in the note while the Goes fans insulted him and the player was looking at the fans.

“Some Goes fans don’t let us work in peace with the note to Lucho that we released him because the atmosphere is not the best,” said Ottonello. “They insulted him, they salivated him, something also fell on us, also some other little thing. Hot the people of Goes”Ottonello said in his broadcast.

By then, the bulk of the Goes supporters had already withdrawn, but a small group of supporters, around 15, remained and caused the incident.

Some of those Goes fans crossed the limits of their grandstand and threw seats.

Then, a group of Aguada fans, much larger in number, attacked those of Goes and they finished invading his rostrum also throwing chairs, armchairs and even a bench.

In the middle, Goes’s security was the one that tried to separate the sides to avoid confrontation.

The police had to fire tear gas. to contain the situation.


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