San Martino from applause nearly the feat, Schio remains unbeaten

San Martino di Lupari (PD), 1 January 2023 – In front of a packed PalaLupe in every order of seating, Fila San Martino di Lupari came close to the feat against the undefeated leaders of the Famila Wuber Schio, the New Year’s Veneto derby finished 72-73 in favor of Orange.

Exactly three months after the Alghero Opening Day dove Schio he had had an easy life making up for the hardships of the Super Cup, on the afternoon of January 1st San Martino di Lupari row he absolutely did not disfigure by fielding a capital test and making the battleship Orange suffer a lot.

Suffice it to mention the 22 leadership changes and the 17 tie situations. Coach’s girls Lorenzo Serventi came very close to hitting the leaders, as no one had ever done in this championship: the dream vanished only on the last pitch, shattered on the iron, of Delicia Washington.

Yet Schio, who played without Martina Crippa for flu syndrome e Rhyne Howardout by foreign rotation, had touched the +11 in the first half (maximum advantage over 23-34 in the 17th minute), but the Lupes responded blow by blow keeping the balance in the match led by a masterful Ilaria Milazzo (31 final points) coming on +6, 63-57 with 6’02” to gomaking the public of the PalaLupe “deceive” and frightening the locals.

But in the end, accomplices details favorable to Schio such as the two triples of Marina Mabrey – until then very imprecise – and the basket of Jasmine Keys with 33 “01 to go, the Famila of captain Giorgia Sottona conquered the 14th championship victory on as many races held remaining undefeated, despite the same unsportsmanlike sanctioned in Mabrey with 3 “05 to go giving the last chance, then wrong, to San Martino. But however applause goes to the Lupe who played it to the end and came out of this Veneto derby with very high heads.

Row San Martino di Lupari vs Famila Wuber Schio 72-73

Partial: 13-14; 17-21; 26-22;

Progression: 13-14; 30-35; 56-57;

report cards

Washington 7: first part of the match in high gears between personalisms on the iron from the team’s offensive terminal and captured rebounds, in the second half a few shots of too much arrogance despite important aids under the scoreboards with carambola taken. Miss the Lupe success roll.

Verona M. 6: he scores a triple in the third quarter, but otherwise, apart from some good rearguards, he is hardly noticed

Milazzo 8.5: an all in all normal first half with 9 points scored, then in the second half he literally unleashed putting intense competitive spirit on the parquet and even a pinch of cunning by attacking Schio’s defense by raising his game intensity. Yes, he has some defensive breaks that Schio punishes, but he can be granted it given that he scores 31 with some applause plays. A match that clearly highlighted her for the national team…

Ianezic 6: almost 8′ of good help and to oxygenate the starting companions.

Ferrara NE

Pastrello 6: it alternates good things with other less good ones, a game where, however, it looks good at all.

Fridge NE

Russo 5: apart from a reverse at the beginning of the last quarter, the Lupe captain misses too much in the first three quarters in shots taken.

Kaczmarczyk 6.5: she poses really rocky and fighter in duels under the planks against the long slopes, but bad at shooting.

Plow SV: plays 2’44” in the first quarter putting his hand in two steals, then he can’t see the pitch anymore.

Diakoumpa NE

I dedicate 6: very gregarious in the colored area of ​​​​blocks and good defenses, he helps quite well up front even if he misses a little with 40% in the conclusions …

Mabrey 5,5: too many wrong conclusions for the WNBA winger of the Dallas Wings (1/7 from two) to get stubborn in certain situations; positively it stands out only for the game from four points at 3’45” from the end and the triple of the draw at 68 at 1’42”, but that unsportsman who brings San Martino back into the game at 3″05 risked weighing about victory.

Bestagno 6: Martina’s usual support team with blocks and help for her teammates, however she draws few conclusions with a bit of effort.

Manure day 7: when he hits from the arc he hurts the Lupes a lot, he also puts up good defenses and limits Washington well in the second part of the game

Petticoat 7.5: the best of the Oranges, her usual experience and leadership in helping her teammates with a great third period as a true captain and goals in crucial moments

Verona C. 6,5: puts good defenses on the unleashed Milazzo and helps her rebound well, wins the duel in the family with her sister Marta.

Mutterle NE

Keys 7: very good first half with astuteness and precision for the ex of the match, in the end it is she who actually scores the winning basket at 33″01 from the end and the defensive rebound at 8″ which will be decisive.

Penna 5,5: without Howard in rotation he finds good playing time from Dikaiioulakos doing what he can, but it is noted that he is not in good condition and is not having a good time.

Zahui 5,5: he limits himself a little too much in what he does, he plays enough in certain situations.

Ndour 6: he starts immediately with 7 initial points, but the fouls give no respite to the long Spanish national team who plays only 17′, however he makes himself feel good on the rebound.

By Achille Amadi


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