Rulle continues to “bomb”, the U18 national team won in overtime over the Netherlands

The score of the Latvian hockey players was equalized 82 seconds before the end of the regular time, with the goal scored by the leader of the team’s attack, Linda Rulli, after assists from Madaras Zuševičas and Hanna Strauses.

After three minutes and 17 seconds of overtime, it was Rulle who scored the winning goal after Strause’s pass, putting the puck in the net for the seventh time in three games in Great Britain.

Jeļizaveta Stadņika saved 26 shots in the goal of the Latvian national team, while the Latvians made 24 shots on the goal guarded by Elena Vilkes.

Latvia leads the group with seven points in three games. Australia has six points from two games, the Netherlands has four points from three games, Turkey has two points from two games, and Great Britain and Mexico have one each.

It has already been reported that in the first match of the tournament, the Latvian national team defeated their peers from Mexico with 6:1, and in the second match, they defeated the home team with 3:2.

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The Latvian U-18 national team will hold the world championship of the second division in group A in the Scottish city of Dumfries until January 27. This is the fourth tournament for the U-18 national teams, with the winners securing a place in Group B of the first division.

In this tournament, Latvian ice hockey players meet with Australia, the Netherlands, Turkey, Mexico and Great Britain. On January 26, the Latvians will meet Australia, and the tournament will end on January 27 with a match against Turkey.

Mika Golubovic is assisted in the tournament by coaches Laila Dekmeyer-Trigubova and Vladislavs Konishevs, as well as goalkeeping coach Dennys Romanovskis.

Last summer, Latvian U-18 ice hockey players competed in their first world championship, winning fifth place in the second division tournament.

The composition of the Latvian national team for the start of the world championship:

goalkeepers – Nikola Seleviča (Hockey school “Rīga” (HS “Rīga”)), Yelizaveta Stadnik (Odense, Denmark);


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