Putin has chronic pain, uncertain political future.

According to Copenhagen, Vladimir Putin suffers from chronic pain, but his life is not in imminent danger.


Russian President Vladimir Putin is not suffering from an incurable disease, but from severe chronic pain

It is the ‘diagnosis’ of the Danish military intelligence services (Fe), according to which at the time of the invasion of Ukraine the Russian leader was being treated for a form of cancer and this could have influenced his decision.

In its 2021 annual report, reports Ukrainska Pravda, the FE gave Putin another mandate as “very probable” after the next presidential elections in 2024. However, in its 2022 report, the Danish military services have changed their mind and this time they think that the confirmation of Putin as president until 2029 is only “probable”.

“Our biggest uncertainty is about his health, or whether someone will remove him due to his failing health,” an intelligence officer said. The agency does not believe Putin is suffering from a terminal illness, but rather from severe chronic pain after several falls and accidents. “That’s why he tries to sit and hang on to things. He does it to ease the pain,” observed the officer.

From judo and hockey

The report recalls that in the past various media have reported that Putin suffers from the consequences of a fall from a horse in the 2000s and has been injured during judo lessons and hockey training in recent years.

FE experts do not expect Putin to die due to his ill health but believe that over time the Russian elite will want to see a stronger person at the helm. “We have a strong impression that a part of the elite sees that they are going in the wrong direction,” added the Danish military intelligence officer.



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