PSG: Neymar will not attend Pelé’s funeral

It is indeed on French soil that Neymar begins his year 2023. While rumors reported his presence in Brazil to attend Pelé’s funeral which started on Monday, the PSG playmaker will not do the same. moving to the country. Contrary to the information released on Sunday announcing that he had joined Brazil overnight from Sunday to Monday, the Parisian number 10 remained in Paris.

This Monday noon, he participated in the training of his club, as evidenced by the pictures posted on the PSG Twitter account. Suspended for the match against Lens on Sunday evening (3-1), he trained normally alongside some of his Parisian teammates. On his Instagram account, he also communicated on his participation in the session of the day with the mention “Work” (work) in legend.

As we told you last week, PSG had no intention of releasing their star for the football legend’s funeral, despite Neymar’s great respect for Pelé. The Parisian club is counting on its player for the next deadlines, while the calendar for the start of the year 2023 is particularly busy. An express trip to Brazil at this time of the season would not have been appropriate given the string of matches that awaits PSG in January.

“No, Neymar will not come”

Neymar, on the other hand, was represented by his father Neymar Sr at the funeral. “Today we are here to support the family, we have lost a lot. He inspired so many people and the sport. He has inspired all generations, he has always been a reference, Neymar senior told the local press. That’s why my son asked me to be here instead. No, Neymar is not coming. We know what it is to lose someone and we have not only lost an athlete, we have lost a citizen, the person Pelé, Edson Arantes. It makes us sad. »

On Sunday, it was from his home in the Paris region that he recorded and then posted, on his social networks, a video of wishes for his very many fans around the world. A video of about thirty seconds, all in simplicity and sobriety, in which he notably reveals his objectives for 2023 with Paris Saint-Germain. “I will spend the end of the year here, training to pursue my goals at PSG, the Champions League and the French championship, unrolls the Brazilian. In any case, we will pursue them all! And to all of you who have followed everything that happened in my 2022, which is coming to an end, I hope you can achieve your goals and dreams, always keeping the faith! Happy New Year 2023 to all of you. May God bless you and protect you. A huge kiss! »


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