new offer from OGC Nice for Terem Moffi!

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This is the file that will have kept Lorient, Nice and Marseille supporters in suspense for almost a fortnight. Hall Moffi and his 12 goals in Ligue 1 with Lorient panicked the winter transfer window. The president of Les Merlus, Loïc Féry, would have liked to send him to OM, as you were toldbut it is more than ever towards OGC Nice that the striker is heading.

According to our information, the Riviera club has made a new offer to the Breton club. An offer that will reach €30 million including bonuses, something that the Lorient management wanted. An amount also mentioned by Mohamed Toubache-TER. The final details are currently being played out. And this concerns the different percentages and bonuses. Percentage on resale, more or less accessible bonuses, this is what is currently being discussed between the two parties.

To read
Nice: Didier Digard tackles OM for Terem Moffi

This is the 7th offer from Nice!

The epilogue therefore seems close in this case with twists and turns. Nice will have sent a total of 7 offers, including this one, to snatch the second top scorer in Ligue 1. It was the priority objective of Florent Ghisolfi, the sports director, who wants to make it the anchor of his attack.

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Above all, Nice let Andy Delort slip away on the Nantes side, and counted on Laborde alone to occupy the position. Moffi, for his part, had given his agreement to the Aiglons very quickly, held firm against the Marseille onslaught. It remains to be seen whether this choice will be successful!

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