New crowned heads at the badminton club

If there is one club that is experiencing a certain revival, it is badminton which, with 67 players at present, has regained its pre-pandemic dynamism.

But this is not without problems since, underlines the president Sylvain Barré-Persyn “there are systematically a good thirty of us at each training session and that’s too much for this room. Usually, after the holidays, some people stop, but not this year and that’s good!”.The club has increased its workforce by 50% this season and the atmosphere is also there. This Thursday it was galette des rois with instructions to play the whole evening crown on the head; not sure that it was respected!

The president does not lack ideas to animate his club: women’s week in March, snowshoe day in April with tennis and ping-pong, “Very bad night” in June, unifying events which should attract a good number of players. internally as well as externally.

For the time being, the teams entered for the interclubs remain mobilized because there are two days left for D1, January 29 and February 12 and only one for D2, February 12 in Villefranche-de-Rouergue.


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