Mersin Metropolitan Basketball 76-72 Winner

Competing in the Turkish Men’s Basketball League, Mersin Metropolitan Municipality Basketball Team (MSK), Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Kağıtspor 76-72…

Competing in the Turkish Men’s Basketball League, Mersin Metropolitan Municipality Basketball Team (MSK) defeated Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Kağıtspor 76-72 and scored its 14th victory in the League.

Competing in the Turkish Men’s Basketball League, Mersin Metropolitan Municipality Basketball Team (MSK) hosted Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Kağıtspor at its home. Mersin Metropolitan Mayor Vahap Seçer also followed suit from the stands and MSK won the match 76-72.

Trying to gain an advantage over each other in the first period of the match, both teams tried to turn the score in their favor with mutual baskets. When the Carettas took the game initiative towards the end of the first period, they achieved a score of 22-18. Dominating the match in the second period, Carettalar did not let their opponent catch him and entered the locker room with a score of 41-34. The party that started the third period of the match fast was the guest team Kağıtspor. The Carettas, who lost morale from the game, were the party that lost this period 53-61. Backing their fans in the last period, the home team caught up with their opponent, especially with the great reflexes of captain Recep Doğrusöz and Tobin Carberry. The Carettas, who regained the motivation they lost with the referee’s decisions in the third period and almost came back, were victorious 76-72 in this critical match.

Continuing the struggle for the summit with this win, MSK signed its 14th victory. The top scorer of the match was Carberry, who produced 32 points.

Mersin Metropolitan Basketball 76-72 Winner

Mersin Metropolitan Basketball 76-72 Winner

Mersin Metropolitan Basketball 76-72 Winner


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