Man City: Guardiola rebukes his detractors

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Particularly criticized after the defeats against Southampton (0-2) in the League Cup then Manchester United (1-2) in the Premier League, because of the game said to be too “stereotypical” of his team, Manchester City coach Pep Guardiola sent a strong message to its detractors.

“I’m sorry for my ‘haters’, but we will be in the history books of the Premier League for everything we’ve achieved, how we’ve done it and the records we’ve broken… cannot be denied. We have been extremely consistent at the highest level. (…) When I retire or leave Manchester City, everyone will say how good I was”, proclaimed the Catalan in front of the press this Sunday, on the sidelines of the success of the Citizens against Wolverhampton (3-0) in the Premier League.

Read 5.402 times – Alexis Goudlijian – 01/22/23 at 10:06 p.m.


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