Leipzig-Bayern Munich match sign falls off, angers fans

On the return of the Bundesliga, RB Leipzig x Bayern Munich ended up frustrating those who followed the confrontation, as the signal dropped and interrupted the transmission of the duel

to game between RB Leipzig x Bayern Munchentransmitted by One Football, lost the signal with the stadium of the game and angered the supporters and fans of German football who were watching the game. Shortly before the 20 minutes of the first half, the image of the match was interrupted and the signal was lost, after which the message that the signal was being restored appeared.

The game marks the return of the Bundesliga after more than two months without the ball rolling. The break for the 2022 World Cup, in addition to the traditional winter break, left German football fans with a real longing to see the teams on the pitch. After the long wait, they were disappointed with the bad news of the loss at the end of the game, not being able to follow a great duel. Check out the reactions on social media:


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