Killian Hayes wants to play the 2023 World Cup with the Blues

Holder with the Pistons this season, Killian Hayes hopes to take advantage of his good performances to join the French team soon. The leader opened the door wide to participation in the next World Cup with the Blues.

Will the group of the French team welcome several new faces at the next World Championship? Victor Wembanyama is indeed likely to play his first competition with the A team, without forgetting a Joel Embiid who is for the moment playing the suspense as to his international plans. A third boy could discover the highest FIBA ​​level soon and it is Killian Hayes. European champion with the Blues in the youth sections (in 2017), the 21-year-old leader does not currently have any selection with Vincent Collet’s group. A situation that could soon change since the player hopes to participate in the next competitions with the Blues, obviously with the Olympics in Paris in the back of his mind.

Asked this Sunday by Max Aubin of the newspaper l’Équipe, the player confided in a few days of the Paris Game. His NBA season, his progress this year, his stay in France, everything is mentioned and in particular his desire to play with the jersey marked with the rooster.

“I feel ready and I want to be part of this group. Afterwards, your place is not given, you have to fight for it. I was able to discuss in particular with Nicolas Batum on my state of mind, and the training camp planned for this summer. It’s something I want to do, I want to train with the France team and try to earn my place.

Should we expect to see Hayes from the 2023 World Cup at the end of August? It is in any case the hope of the native of Florida.

“Yes, that’s the goal. But you have to earn your place, there are many players who have been there for years. It’s all going to come down to training camp this summer. I’m going to play, learn the team’s game, the systems in place and we’ll see.

If it is true that places are expensive in Blue, a spot has recently become available on the backcourt. Thomas Heurtel having decided to sign in Russia, he is no longer selectable. What if Killian Hayes replaced him? It’s quite possible and it’s Vincent Collet himself who says so. The coach has also indicated that he hoped to be able to take advantage of Hayes’ visit to Paris to be able to meet him.

“He is clearly in my thinking, he is one of the players concerned. We observe him and we see very good things, which is good news, especially in his position as point guard. He advances in a particular context, that of a team in difficulty, but his progress and his ability to create, in the pass in particular, are interesting things.

In view of certain deficiencies that we observed this summer at the Euro first. And particularly in the context of rear lines to reconfigure, when we know the situation of Thomas Heurtel. »

–Vincent Collet

Will Killian Hayes soon know his first selections with France? Anyway, that’s his goal. It’s up to Vincent Collet to decide now.

Source text: Maxime Aubin / the Team


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