Jokic’s shock statement that will not please the France team!

Nikola Jokic is a great NBA player who could win a third straight MVP title, but that’s not enough for him. He also wants to become a great player on the international scene, as he has just explained to FIBA. He returned to the last Euro, to the next World Cup, and his analysis might not please the Blues.

Nikola Jokic is in great form this season, and according to many observers, he could win a third consecutive MVP title, a feat not achieved since. Larry Bird between 1984 and 1986! It must be said that his Nuggets are currently leading the Western Conference and that he is not innocent in these good results. With 24.7 points, 10.9 rebounds and 9.8 assists, he wouldn’t steal another title.

And if this form could be explained by its participation in the EuroBasket last September? Indeed, the Serbian pivot had to spend a studious summer to get in shape, and if his national team could not do better than a 9th place, showed him that he was well above average. He therefore transported his good physical and mental dispositions to Colorado to chain the victories.

Nikola Jokic sees Serbia as the best team in Europe!

But if the Nuggets must be satisfied with his international passage and his start to the season, the double MVP in title keeps a bitter taste in the mouth. Indeed, he still can’t digest the elimination of Serbia in the round of 16, since he finds the defeat against Italy quite unfair. In any case, this is what he explained in an interview with FIBA, and his message should not necessarily please the Blues.

If I participate in the 2023 World Cup at the start of the school year, I will want to win a medal. I will do my best to achieve this. Last year for the Euro I arrived in excellent shape, I had spent my summer in training. I was more than ready at the start of the competition for the simple reason that all my teammates wanted to do something at the Euros. Motivation was high.

We had a great connection as a team. Even when we lost to Italy in the round of 16, I reminded the guys that I was happy to play with them. It was a pleasure to be in this locker room, the group was great. I honestly think we were the best team in the competition. The results say otherwise, but I think so.

According to Nikola Jokic, Serbia, eliminated in the round of 16 by Italy, would be the best team in Europe, ahead of winning Spain or the France team which has a string of strong performances on the international scene. The Joker is right to be confident and ambitious, but be careful not to offer his opponents too much ammunition. Vincent Collet’s band could make him regret his words.

Serbia are talented, but it takes more to become the best team in Europe. The Spaniards are still at the top, and the French team is Olympic vice-champion. One thing is certain, the Coupe of the World 2023 will be exciting.


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