Is Plan E back? A small socialist town hall inaugurates an artificial grass basketball court

Cigales is a small municipality located 13 kilometers north of Valladolid, in Castilla y León. governed by the socialist Jose Ignacio Fernandez Marianothis town serves its 5,286 residents who proudly belong to the Campiña del Pisuerga region.

In Cigales, where the winemaking tradition is deeply rooted and can boast of having its own Denomination of Origin (Cigales), the traditional Cigaleña winery is of tourist interest, where you can appreciate the uses and customs of yesteryear in the production of wine, as well as the Church de Santiago Apostol, imposing in an environment full of vines.

But for very few dates, the cigaleños can boast of more leisure incentives for locals and visitors: an artificial grass basketball court. Yes, basketball on artificial turf.

The town council, chaired by the socialist Jose Ignacio Fernandez Mariano, has launched a work to provide sports facilities for residents: One of the facilities recently announced by the Cigales tourist managers is a fenced sports court with two artificial turf baskets.

It is called “multisport track” and is located next to the municipal sports center. The council itself, through its “Turismo Cigales” account, announces the work on Twitter: “We can now enjoy the new 20×10 Multisport Track installed next to the Cigales Municipal Sports Center, equipped with artificial turf and goals as well as basketball hoops, a new playful and sporting space”.

This facility completes the sports offer that also consists of a sports pavilion, where there is indoor soccer and basketball, and a soccer field.

Municipal sources inform Libre Mercado that it is a work charged to the provincial budgets for sports purposes, although we have not yet been able to know the price of the work, among other things, because the transparency portal of the consistory website has been going on for years. “stuck” and the last budgets that can be consulted are those of 2016, where an investment of 20,000 euros was contemplated in the municipal soccer field: “A field that is a potato field, because this field is not made of artificial grass, but rather It pretends to be made of natural grass and in reality it is a quagmire. In addition, it is underused because only one team uses it”, these sources say. They point out that if this facility were equipped with artificial grass, it could have many more uses than the one it currently has.


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