In the debut of the Dakar Rally, the crew’s car burns down (VIDEO)

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The Dakar Rally has ended unsuccessfully for the Dutch crew of Michael Kremer and Thomas de Bois. Previously, Kramer went to the Dakar Rally to support the attractive brothers Tim and Tom Coronell, but this year Kramer decided to start the rally himself.

“I participated in the Dakar Rally for the first time in 2011, when I joined the team as a support driver, but I quickly became addicted to this rally. Last year I rode with Tim and Tom Coronel, where I was as support, but now I will ride on my own. Tim has taught me a lot since I don’t have a lot of experience. My approach to the Dakar Rally will be to finish it clean and simple,” it said before the start Michael Kremer.

Unfortunately, the adventure of the Dakar rally for the crew ended in the first stage, when the flames engulfed their “Century CR6” car, which was completely burnt.

The crew says that a message about low fuel pressure popped up on the display, but the pilot thought it couldn’t be because the tank was full. The driver soon noticed a smell in the cabin of the car, and he soon determined that it had started to burn. The crew stopped and immediately left the car, which was engulfed in flames.”

First Stage Review:


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