For men, Kaishi Kokusai won the fourth straight victory (not implemented the year before last). In the final, they beat Teikyo Nagaoka 4-0. Shota Endo (1st year) hits Shun Matsumoto (1st year) in a sweeping victory that decides the victory with three players from the vanguard to midfielder. The winner was decided. Kaishi Kokusai will participate in the national tournament held at Nippon Budokan in Tokyo on March 20th and 21st.

Kaishi Kokusai decided V4 with the first three. Captain Itsuki Tomiyama (2nd year), the spearhead, called in the flow with a solid finish from Osotogari, and the two first-year students won consecutive victories. Jigaku, Sota Niitsuma wins by 3 fouls against the opponent. Endo, a midfielder, took a wazaari with a corner turn at 1 minute and 45 seconds after the start, and won the Osotogari combination technique with 37 seconds remaining. “I’m not going to run away if I’m aiming for the top,” Endo continued to attack until the end.

Coach Futoshi Okura, 54, said, “Rather than bargaining in the game, I’m saying, ‘Let’s play head-on,’ even if it’s returned, in order to show his strength.” 4-0 following the instructions. There was a draw, but no one lost in the final. The victory was directly linked to the year-end and New Year strengthening measures that broke the convention.

Every year, we have incorporated many out-of-prefecture expeditions. But this time he practiced hard at school. “It’s too risky to move outside the prefecture,” says Okura. Avoided coronavirus, flu, and breakdowns. That’s why the practice content of the new year’s holiday is hard. I didn’t miss practice on New Year’s Day. 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon from December 28th to January 3rd. OBs also participated in actual practice, which was centered on randori. Director Okura was strict with the alumni, saying, “Please come after an antigen test.”

Parents are in charge of meals for the players during the year-end and New Year holidays. To V4, OB, and guardians were united. The team that decided V4 with such strong support aims for the top rank in the whole country. Director Okura said, “I’m aiming for the best 8,” but Toyama and his new wife are “more than the best 8.” Endo says, “I’m aiming for the championship,” and goes further. The fighting spirit of Kaishi Kokusai was overflowing. (Japanese original by Mikio Wakui, City News Department)