He went topless at the World Cup and was surprised by the phrase that the policemen said to him in a low voice

He went topless at the World Cup and was surprised by the phrase that the policemen said to him in a low voice

Noelia Mango remember that on the afternoon of November 22, 2022, after Argentina’s defeat by Saudi Arabia in the World Cup in Qatar, he felt a heavy and deep frustration. That night he went to bed late and had trouble sleeping.

He rested from time to time and managed to fall asleep around dawn on the 23rd. She woke up hours later, elated: “I dreamed that we were going to become world champions and that in the final I was going to take off my shirt in the stands. That I would be left with nothing. I was with a friend and we swore that if that happened we would do it,” she told TN.

Also read: She traveled to Qatar, spent her savings and will offer a dollar reward to anyone who helps her sell her Kombi

The 28-year-old woman, born in Quilmes and currently in Palermo, describes her 30 days in Qatar as “the best trip of my life”. He planned it months before and was emboldened by the idea when several friends confirmed that they would also go to the World Cup.

The young woman brought a flag and painted it before the last game (Photo: Noelia Mango).

“It was crazy, a dream that lasted a month”said Noelia, owner of Destiny Pinkan Internet clothing business that will soon have its premises in the City of Buenos Aires.

The trip to Qatar and the promise to fulfill that dream

“I traveled on November 20 and returned on December 20. Although I had a return ticket, with Milagros, my friend, we were changing our rental. When we got to the final I reminded him of the promise and we started looking for someone who could paint the flags on our lolas. Game day was getting closer and we couldn’t find anyone, until two Argentine friends offered to do it”, Noelia said.

“Milagros and I cheered up, we were painted on the field before the game with France. There was a third friend, but she was not encouraged ”, recalled the young woman, who explained that, with 20 minutes to go and when Argentina was still winning 2-0, he approached the fans who were standing behind the goal to tell them what he intended to do.

Two Argentine friends painted her lolas with the Argentine flag (Photo: Noelia Mango).

Two Argentine friends painted her lolas with the Argentine flag (Photo: Noelia Mango).

“They tied us and he wanted to kill me. However, after we won, we looked at each other with my friend and I told her: ‘That’s it, it’s just a few minutes’. We got on and the boys were holding their heads, they couldn’t believe it. There was good weather, we were all friends or acquaintances,” he explained.

Although their stay on the avalanche guard lasted only a few minutes, those in charge of stadium security quickly approached to demand that they cover up. “The policemen asked us to put on our shirts, but they whispered ‘congratulations’ into our ears. It was very bizarre,” Noelia said.

The hours after going topless in Qatar

“What happened next was that I ran out of battery on my cell phone. When I got to the apartment and put it to charge, I saw that it was full of messages and that the video had gone viral. We started to be afraid when we saw that it had spread a lot in Qatar”, recounted the quilmeño.

The quilmeña spent 30 days in Qatar: she left the country on December 20 (Photo: Noelia Mango).

The quilmeña spent 30 days in Qatar: she left the country on December 20 (Photo: Noelia Mango).

His main concern focused on the impossibility of leaving the country or having to deal with the Qatari authorities for what he did on the night of December 18 at the Lusail Stadium. “Nothing happened on the pitch, they didn’t take us into custody or anything. We slipped away. But we think if we stayed one or two days we could have problems,” she said.

Many people from Qatar wrote to me, they were very angry. Later I also received messages from all over the world, telling me that they had fun with the video. But the Qatari people did not take it well,” she added.

After the World Cup, he visited Europe and was photographed in the city of Naples (Photo: Noelia Mango).

After the World Cup, he visited Europe and was photographed in the city of Naples (Photo: Noelia Mango).

His family, from Buenos Aires, advised him to leave the country as soon as possible. “If it was up to me, I would stay, but I didn’t want to have any more problems. The video went super viral in Argentina, so we went to spend a few days in Europe,” said Noelia, who is recognized on the street from those images and asks for photos.

The quilmeño specified that on her Instagram account (@noedreams1) More than 100,000 people followed her in two days. “It was very strange what happened next. She needed to be calm, low profile, it was too much at once, so I disconnected. Now I think about it and I wouldn’t. I don’t know what went through my head, but I wouldn’t do it again“, complete.


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