Gregg Berhalter and the Reyna family: dispute in US soccer

In US soccer, a bizarre dispute over national team coach Gregg Berhalter is causing a stir. The 49-year-old, whose contract expired at the end of the year and who is being investigated within the association because of previous acts of violence against his wife, has made serious allegations. The parents of international player Giovanni Reyna from Borussia Dortmund play a central role. Among other things, they accuse Berhalter of playing down the incident in the early 1990s.

“Obviously, this is not a good time for football in this country and for our men’s national team,” Soccer Association President Cindy Parlow Cone said at a news conference on Wednesday (local time). It is completely open who should look after the team at the home World Cup in 2026.

Football Association hires a law firm

In a joint statement with his wife Rosalind, Berhalter admitted on Tuesday that he had kicked his partner in the legs 31 years ago after an argument. This was a “shameful moment” that he regrets “to this day”, wrote the former Bundesliga professional from Energie Cottbus.

According to Danielle Reyna, mother of Dortmund young star Giovanni, Berhalter’s statements would “significantly minimize” the abuse on the night in question, as she explained in a statement to US media on Wednesday (local time). As a former roommate, teammate and best friend, she accompanied Rosalind Berhalter through “the trauma that followed”. She worked hard to “give grace” to Gregg Berhalter, which she “expected” from the US national coach for her son as well.

Right in the middle: the former BVB professional and American international Giovanni Reyna

Image: AP

Shortly after the round of 16 at the World Cup in Qatar, Berhalter made it public that a player was about to be suspended due to demonstrative listlessness. The media quickly found out that it was Giovanni Reyna. Spicy: According to Berhalter, an unnamed person is said to have tried to contact a person in the association during the World Cup in order to discredit the coach with certain information. “An apparent attempt to use something very personal from a long time ago to bring about the end of my relationship with US Soccer,” Berhalter said.

According to the broadcaster ESPN, it is said to have been Danielle and Claudio Reyna, father of Giovanni, former US international and best man at Berhalter’s wedding. Danielle Reyna admitted to contacting sporting director Earnie Stewart after the World Cup, but denied blackmail allegations.

In order to resolve the confused situation, the association commissioned a law firm to investigate. Berhalter’s current assistant, Anthony Hudson, is tasked with preparing the team for the internationals against Serbia and Colombia at the end of January. Stewart was commissioned by the association’s leadership to make a coaching recommendation. Stewart emphasized that Berhalter could not be ruled out.


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