Gongshu District upgrades and records four types of integrated large communities and large units sound the rallying call of “Promotion for the People”-Hangzhou News Center-Hangzhou Net

Gongshu District upgrades and records four types of integrated large communities and large units sound the rallying call of “Promotion for the People”

Hangzhou Daily News “Let’s go to the basketball park to play!” At the end of last year, Hangzhou Basketball Park, the first embedded basketball park in China, was located on the southwest side of the intersection of Desheng Road and Shiqiao Road in Shengli Community, Wenhui Street, Gongshu District. Officially open to the public. The park has a total area of ​​about 20,800 square meters and can serve nearly 10,000 households around the park. Basketball fans who heard the news, met for the first time to “try the early adopters”. Mr. Chen, who lives nearby, said excitedly, “I didn’t expect such a good basketball court to be built in a short period of time. Now daily activities are very convenient.”

As a typical integrated large community unit in Gongshu District, Shengli Community has a large area and complex residential structure. There are few activity venues for the elderly and children, cultural and sports infrastructure, and party and mass service positions. In recent years, it has been undergoing major demolition and construction. period of pain. The opening of the Hangzhou Basketball Park has officially sounded the assembly call for the large unit of the integrated large community in Gongshu District to “promote for the people”.

In accordance with the standard of 3,000 households or more than 10,000 permanent residents and a relatively high proportion of floating population, Gongshu District carried out upgrading and filing in 7 streets, and four sub-districts for relocation flow type, business integration type, traditional integration type, and whole village reform community type Classes and 12 integrated large-scale community units conduct special research and analysis, aiming at practical challenges such as “three deficiencies, four difficulties and five ambiguities”, optimize the tree-like organization system, grass-roots power system, and resource allocation system step by step, and focus on solving problems for a group of people. Focus on hot and difficult issues. The 12 communities cover a permanent population of 137,800 and a rented population of approximately 134,500.

“The survey found that the large units of traditional integrated large communities often lack public service planning in the early stage, the spatial layout is solidified, and there is insufficient supply or lack of services in all aspects. Focusing on the high-frequency needs of residents, we plan to create a batch of unused buildings through comprehensive renovation. Integrate a batch of resources and open up a batch of co-construction units to promote resource integration and space reshaping. For example, relying on the “five-level linkage” mechanism of the party organization of the province-city-district-street-community to promote the launch of hundreds of co-construction projects , and financial support of more than 2 million yuan.” The relevant person in charge of the Office of the Modern Community Construction Leading Group of Gongshu District Party Construction Command introduced.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that it is necessary to promote a new type of urbanization centered on people and accelerate the urbanization of agricultural transfer population. This year, Gongshu District will be led by the provincial-level pilot reform of “unifying the top and subdividing the subdivision, strengthening the street and optimizing the society”, and will incorporate the construction of large units of integrated large communities as a key content into the construction of modern communities in the whole district, and strive to solve the problems of integrated large-scale Difficulties in party building, service, and governance in large community units.

In the next step, Gongshu District will continue to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, actively adapt to the phased characteristics of large integrated communities and large units, and take the acceleration of the urbanization of people as the starting point, starting from the most concerned by the masses, the most direct experience, Starting from the most extensive coverage of the surrounding affairs, the high-quality public services under the leadership of the party building will enhance the public’s sense of gain, happiness, and security, and comprehensively build a happy home on the Grand Canal.

Reporter’s Notes:

In Hangzhou, many towns have formed integrated large communities and large units in the throes of modern urbanization. These areas are often characterized by a high proportion of household separation, diverse interests and needs, and strong mobility of personnel. As the nerve endings of social governance, rationally dividing governance units and upgrading empowerment on demand is an important step towards precise service, and it is also the only way to meet residents’ expectations for a better life. Exploring the modernization path of integrated large community and large unit governance also tests the governance wisdom of grassroots cadres. Gongshu is guided by the provincial-level pilot reform of “unification at the top and sub-divisions at the bottom, strengthening the street and optimizing the society”, relying on the “red link” of party building to better leverage its organizational advantages, mobilize various forces, and gather resources to the places where the voice of the people is the highest place, and ultimately promote a new type of urbanization centered on people.

Source: Hangzhou Daily Author: Correspondent Zhang Xiaoyan Zhang Zhen Reporter Ma Mengyan Editor: Wang Hao


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