Galthié chooses Mignoni and Sempéré to replace Labit and Ghezal

According to MidolFabien Galthié would have set his sights on Pierre Mignoni and Laurent Sempéré for his future staff after the World Cup.

The XV of France “new look” post World Cup 2023 begins to take shape. Fabien Galthié has been extended until 2027. Manager Raphael Ibanez and assistant William Servat are expected to follow. However, Laurent Labit and Karim Ghezal will no longer be part of the adventure. The future former assistants of the Blues will take the reins of the Stade Français.

According to Noon Olympic , Fabien Galthié would have already chosen his future collaborators. Pierre Mignoni, currently co-coach of Toulon with Franck Azéma, will be in charge of the attack. Yet arrived last summer after a Lyon experience, the former scrum half would have an agreement with Bernard Lemaitre, president of the RCT, to leave the Var in the event of a call from the foot of the Blues. The formalization should not delay any longer. The exchanges between the two former No. 9 of the Blues already go back several months.

Exit Karim Ghezal, Laurent Sempéré will do the opposite. Current assistant at the Stade Français, the coach in charge of the Parisian forwards will occupy the same position at the XV of France.


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