Eurocup Basket, Willis is not enough for Reyer: Bourg’s sprint is a winner

In the most awaited European evening, Reyer can keep Watt on the parquet for only 12 minutes. Blame the fouls, which they take away from the orogranata their boss, area and beyond. Of course, this handicap is not enough to explain the 86-79 for Bourg en Bresse, leaders of group A. It helps.

Gap in rebounds

At Ekinox, perhaps the most obvious gap concerns rebounds: 39 to 23 for Mike and his teammates, who capture seven in attack, gaining 12 points from second chance. Vince Bourg, avoiding the engagement of Venice at the top, because it is more intense, precise, capable of changing register. Accustomed in the Eurocup to branding 30 points from outside out of a total of 85.7, this time the French shoot from the arc with 5/17, perhaps also thanks to Reyer’s proverbial perimeter lacing, but they balance everything with a lethal 73% from two (81% at halftime). An average daughter of aggression in 1 against 1, especially by Floyd, the man who splits the game in the last fraction by dampening a partial 2-19 of Venice.

The voices

We have done many easy things wrong and our energy has not been enough, De Raffaele’s analysis at the end of a complex evening, in which Reyer conceded 12 points more than the average, -73.8, the second best of the Eurocup. An evening in which Venice was also able to get the ball going well, 17 assists of which 6 by Spissu against 11 by the French, and stamp good defensive moments, forcing Bourg into 16 turnovers. The flaw: the discontinuity of action. If Tessitori managed to buffer Watt’s problems up to the interval, from the middle of the game onwards the tiredness made itself felt: 9 points all in the 1st half, for the Tuscan center (4 assists and 4 rebounds).

The scoreboard

On the final scorecard, the double digits of a 23 Willis with 8/13 from the field, than a 12 Granger with 2/6 from three, and by Parks, 11. Little instead by Freeman, 2/6 shooting, and Spissu, 3/10. It had already prevailed last October at Taliercio, Bourg, 73 to 79. Now it’s 2-0 in direct confrontation with Venice (6 victories against the 8 gods Fouthoux boys).

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January 18, 2023 (change January 18, 2023 | 07:43)



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