Emanuel Terry is the new player of Pallacanestro Trieste

Emanuel Terry is the new player of Pallacanestro Trieste

TRIESTE. Pallacanestro Trieste 2004 has formalized the acquisition of the right to sports performances until the end of the current season, of the American forward-center, born in 1996, Emanuel Terry.

26 years old, 206 centimeters per 100 kg, Emanuel Terry was born in Birmingham (USA), and grew up basketball among the Railsplitters of LMU – Lincoln Memorial University, with whom he played from 2014 to 2018.

Starting from 2019 Terry has put his curriculum experiences in Turkey, at Banvit Basketbol Kulübü (today Teksüt Bandırma BK) and in Israel, at Hapoel Jerusalem; in September 2020 he joined the ranks of KK Crvena Zvesda, the Red Star of Belgrade, a Serbian team that plays in the Euroleague. After two years spent in the NBA Development Legue, under the Phoenix Suns and the Stockton King, in 2022 Terry landed again overseas, in the ranks of the Orleans, in the top flight of the French basketball championship. At the beginning of the current season he moved to Samsung Thunders in Seoul, South Korea, where he played 24.1′ of games, with 11.3 pts per game, 9.0 total rebounds and an average rating of 16.3.

“As known we were looking for a reinforcement – said Mario Ghiacci – and although at the moment the market does not offer great ideas, we managed to add an element to our roster that we consider extremely useful”.

«First of all I would like to thank the owners for this important addition – the words of coach Marco Legovich – which undoubtedly increases our available solutions. His European curriculum in championships such as the Turkish, Israeli and French ones, as well as the important experience in the Euroleague with Red Star Belgrade, are certainly an important calling card. Terry is a versatile player, with excellent physical qualities, capable of expressing his verticality and speed within the pick and roll game. Defensively he is a box intimidator, with great timing for assists, blocks and rebounding presence. Finally, his reactivity allows him to be a factor in defence, marking both big men and making defensive changes on the outsides ».

Today, Tuesday 17 January at 12 noon Seoul time, Terry left to return to the United States, where the administrative procedures related to the visa are underway to get him to Trieste, available to coach Legovich, as soon as possible.


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