Despite the inconvenience, Carolina Marín enters the semifinals of the Indonesian Open

Carolina Marín defeated the Danish Line Christophersen this Friday by 22-20 and 21-9thirty-first in the world rankings, and certified his pass to the semifinals of the Indonesian Open.

“We are already in the semifinals. I am very happy, a very good and well-contested game. The sensations have gone from less to more despite the discomfort that I am suffering in my leg. I want to be very focused on what I have to do, on the game plan,” Marín said after the victory.

Marín defeated the Danish woman in 40 minutes, the executioner of her compatriot Clara Azurmendi, and already expects a rival in the semifinals. Their confrontation will come from the clash between the Chinese Han Yue and the Indonesian Gregoria Tunjung.

“It’s incredible to be able to play here with this public that is always supporting and makes you feel at home. Tomorrow we’re going for the semifinals,” he added.

Christophersen began imposing his game in the first set, led the score until the tenth game, but Marin’s effervescence outweighed the Danish trade. The Spanish took the initiative and defeated her willful rival, who managed to save up to four game points.

The Olympic champion in Rio 2016, three times world champion and six times in Europe, Currently in the ninth step of the ranking, he dispelled all doubts in the second round. Marín began endorsing six points in a row to the Danish who could only chain two in the entire chapter.

The woman from Huelva has never lost to Christophersen. Since they met for the first time in 2020, he counts his four clashes for victories.


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