Dealing and brawls, closed a bar for 7 days

by Lorena Cellini

A sign reading ‘Closed by Commissioner’s Order’ appeared on the door of the Broadway bar yesterday morning. The license of the venue was suspended for seven days, in 2022 usually frequented by pushers and drug users, scene of drug dealing and brawls and the target of at least six operations conducted by the Guardia di Finanza and the Police and resulting in complaints, including by multiple offenders, with seizure of narcotics and baseball bats. The measure was carried out yesterday morning by agents of the police station and of the yellow flames. The restaurant in via Alighieri, in San Marone, made headlines as early as the beginning of 2022 when police checks led to the complaint of a regular customer for detention for the purpose of drug dealing. On another occasion, a multiple offender was tracked down in the bar, subjected to house arrest and then reported for evasion. Then, in September of the same year, police station personnel had to intervene to break up a fight in which the offenders and the bartender were involved, a blitz that culminated in complaints of aggravated brawl and resistance and insult to a public official. Also in September, a baseball bat was found and seized in a car parked in front of the venue and owned by a Broadway aficionado, prompting a lawsuit. In October it was time for the Guardia di Finanza, in action with the help of the anti-drug canine units. Two judicial police activities, both against the same subject, Italian, burdened by numerous precedents and unemployed. In the first circumstance, the man was arrested because he was caught in the act of giving up a dose of cocaine and found in possession of 9 doses of the same substance, 8.80 grams of hashish, over 50 grams of cutting substance and 2,630 euros in banknotes of different denominations, believed to be the proceeds of drug dealing and seized together with the drugs. On the second occasion, however, he was surprised with two dots of cocaine and cutting substance for over 50 grams and reported on the loose. In carrying out the intervention, the financiers identified six other subjects in the bar with numerous police records for consumption and drug dealing. “Prevention and fight against illicit trafficking, including drug trafficking – underlines Finance colonel Ferdinando Falco – represent a constant commitment of the forces of order, to protect human life”.


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