‘Club Bruges must fear lightning departure Jutgla’

In order to compete on three fronts, Club Brugge decided to invest heavily in new player material last transfer summer. A number of the incoming transfers also proved to be a hit. Ferran Jutgla, for example, quickly became one of the trendsetters and those achievements have not gone unnoticed.

At the start of the transfer summer, Blauw-Zwart saw its chance with the 23-year-old Catalan. Jutgla had shown great things with the promises of FC Barcelona, ​​but had little to no prospects of playing opportunities with the first team. So Club decided to make him an attractive offer, which included Champions League football. He was eventually taken over from the Spanish superpower for a sloppy 5 million euros.

And Jutgla was soon able to make his mark. He almost immediately conquered a base place and thanked for the confidence with some important goals. At the moment he is even top scorer at Club with 10 goals in 26 official matches. The striker also made an impression in the Champions League, to the extent that he even made the Spanish pre-selection for the World Cup. And his good performances have also been noticed by other European clubs. For example, it became known earlier this week that SS Lazio has him on the radar.


Also leading The Gazzetta dello Sport now confirms that the Roman club has made inquiries behind Jutgla. Nevertheless, Club should not fear in the short term. His arrival at Lazio would only be discussed next summer, so a rental from Federico Bonazzoli (Salernitana) is the priority during the winter mercato.

In addition, the current number 5 in Serie A will follow other alternatives for next season, Roland Sallai (Freiburg) for example. But there will undoubtedly be more clubs scrutinizing the progress of the Spanish striker. There is therefore a chance that he will leave Jan Breydel after barely one year.

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