Cambelén takes the lead in the final series in the Higüey Basketball Tournament | AlMomento.Net

HIGUEY.– The Cambelén club took the lead in the final series by beating its counterpart from Savica in a close duel 77-76, in the third game corresponding to the 47th Higüey Superior Basketball Tournament.

Cambelianos went on to dominate the final round 2-1, which is agreed to a 7-4, in the clash held at the Leo Tavárez sports center, in the contest dedicated to the Administrative Minister of the Presidency, José Ignacio Paliza and in option to the Punta Cana Group Cup.

The decisive play of the game was in charge of Bethoven Castillo, who scored in penetration with 3:6 seconds left to put the score at 77-76, and in a failed attempt by Luis Feliz when Savica’s squad launched from the three-point arc could not get a favorable result.

Castillo, although he barely scored seven points, was the hero of Cambelén’s triumph, which had its top scorer in the North American reinforcement CJ Williams with a double-double of 24 points and 10 rebounds, Nathanael Bonet 17 and Francisco Campusano 14 baskets and a whopping 19 rebounds.

In the setback, the reinforcement from the capital Luis Feliz achieved a double-double of 32 points and 10 rebounds, with four assists, Luar Ledesma 13 and Roderick Guzmán contributed 22 units.



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