Busto European City of Sport: Let’s go – Informazioneonline.it

Busto Arsizio from todaythroughout the year, is the European City of Sport. The calendar of events scheduled for the first quarter has already been made public and will begin on January 7 with a shirt exhibition in the center and an internship for an Olympic Judo champion arriving directly from Japan.

Sports councilor Maurice Artusa, underlined the importance and role of the clubs present in the city: «The sports associations in 2022 did a lot of events. They have been stupendous events that have shown that this city has a lot of values. It is a historical tradition that has an inestimable value, that cannot be assigned».

And on the title of European City of Sport: «They recognized us because we have a historical value, a passion. The sports clubs in Busto have been passing on this value for many years and therefore we want, in 2023, to say thank you to all these people, to all these associations that play sports in our city. It is a moment of recognition that we hope will last for the next few yearsi».

The events of the first quarter have already been published: «We have already deliberated 19 events, we made a unique patronage. Others will be added because it will be an ongoing construction of sporting events, also through a communication campaign that will help us give value to these events – with a purpose – because we we want to attract people from outside as wellfrom the territory, but why not, also people who live in Busto but don’t really know all the companies and what they do».

I the first two scheduled events are scheduled for January 7th: «We’ll start with a beautiful one collection of historical football shirts organized by the trade association of the city center». And the second: «One internship of an Olympic champion from Japan brought here by Pro Patria Judo and many other events, now I have only mentioned the first two that start close to the first week of January». Even if the inauguration ceremony will be held on the last weekend of February.

But the various initiatives already planned will last until 26 March and from there the dates will all have to be planned: «Many events that we must therefore go and submit to the knowledge of citizens and



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