Basketball: Auch caused a sensation in Mouzon by beating the TOAC (80-68)

the essential
Auch Basket Club had done everything to fill the Mouzon room, this Saturday evening, and it was in a packed enclosure that ABC players offered their supporters a show worthy of the name, by bending the beautiful formation of the TOAC after a high-level duel, 80-68.

Jérôme Zoé opened the scoring quickly and set the tone for the match, TOAC equalized but Bastien Versier replied immediately. The two teams go blow for blow and are 100% successful in the first two minutes, a treat, 10-7. Medisa allows the TOAC to take the lead, 12-13, but the ABC quickly regain control by the beefy Njoya Nsangou by causing fouls, and despite a few free throws left on the way, Auch takes the lead in the first quarter, 24 -19.

The best Toulousain, Thomas Séguéla, and his 24 points hurt near the circle. Auch bends but does not break, 26-24, then 33-26 on a good series from the excellent Jérôme Zoé (14 pts). The tough fights near the circle punctuate this end of the first half. The great Ludovic Vaty for the TOAC quickly commits his third fault and goes to rest, while Théo Deprada, Jérôme Zoé and Bastien Versier regain possession of the racket, and Auch remains ahead at halftime, 41-33.

The third act will see the awakening of opposing leader Tyreece Brice (16 pts), but Maxime Coze and Yoan Desbarats (15 pts) finally find their bearings from afar and it is Aleyde Ngabonziza who extends hope, 99-53 at the first of “money time”.

Auch suddenly stalled in attack for several minutes, but the TOAC with only three dangerous players last night did not take the opportunity to come back to score. The ABC is heading for a well-deserved success, 71-59, then 77-66, and it is captain Bastien Versier (19 pts) who gets the room up on a final corner shot, and Auch can savor, 80-68.

Warm atmosphere and final clapping tonight at Mouzon in Auch to celebrate the great victory of the ABC against the TOAC (80-68)?

— Dispatch 32 (@ladepeche_32) January 28, 2023

A successful evening in every respect that players and supporters will remember for a long time, the most beautiful game of the season for the ABC in an incredible atmosphere, and an excellent accounting operation in the standings for the Gersois who remain in contact with the leading group of this National Championship 2.

Technical sheet

Half time: 41-33
Quarter time: 24-19, 17-14, 25-20, 14-15.
Auch, Salle du Mouzon: approximately 1,000 spectators.
Referees: Pierre Gendre and Kevin Salvert.
For AuchBC: 28 baskets scored out of 70 attempted including 10 out of 23 three-pointers, 14 free throws out of 26, 22 fouls. A player released for five faults: Njoya Nsangou, 35th.
Dots : Versier 19, Scraps 15, Zoe 14, Coze 7, Lannelongue 6, Debrie 5, I’m 4, De Prada 3, Dary-Sagnes 1, Joy News
For TOAC: 28 baskets scored out of 62 attempted including 4 out of 14 three-pointers, 9 free throws out of 18, 20 fouls. No player out for five fouls.
Dots : Séguéla 24, Brice 16, Vaty 12, Boulaire 4, Lontadila 2, Fedensieu 1, Gomis 0, Collin 3, Mobisa 2, Heslouin 3.


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