World Cup 2022: Ronaldo’s sister insults teammates as “rats” Sports

World Cup 2022: Ronaldo’s sister insults teammates as “rats”  Sports

Someone is really pissed off there….

On Saturday, Portugal flew out with Cristiano Ronaldo (37). World Cup tournament. After the 1-0 defeat by Morocco, the superstar left the field crying uncontrollably. Now his sister Catia Aveiro (45) leathered against the teammates of the multiple world footballer.

For Ronaldo it must have been the sad and final farewell to the big stage after five World Cups. He was again not in the starting XI against Morocco, coming on as a second-half substitute and breaking the world record held by Kuwait’s Badr al-Mutawa with his 196th cap.

But the reaction of his older sister Catia Aveiro (45) shows how deep Ronaldo’s pain really is. The pop singer reported to Instagram – and insulted her brother’s teammates.

Der Post von Ronaldos Schwester Catia Aveiro

Photo: katiaaveirooficial/Instagram

“We lost the World Cup when a group of rats (low-level club players) celebrated the win over Switzerland as a win over Ronaldo…” wrote Catia Aveiro.

background: At the Round of 16 game against Switzerland, Ronaldo was not in the starting eleven for the first time since 2008 in a major tournament game. And of all people, Gonçalo Ramos, who replaced him, shone with a hat-trick and was celebrated after the 6-1 win.

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Nobody spoke of Ronaldo, who came on as a substitute in the 74th minute, after the game. It wasn’t until rumors he was planning to flee Qatar after the game that the Portugal captain made headlines again.

Even then, Catia Aveiro had asked her brother to leave the national team and also wrote on Instagram: “Come home. There they understand you and take you in their arms. As it always has been. There you have all the gratitude. And not ingratitude.”

By insulting Ronaldo’s teammates, the sister has now upped the ante…

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