Wang Yan – Sogou Wiki

Wang Yan – Sogou Wiki

Wang Yan is a Chinese female judo athlete.[1] On November 25, 2020, won the 2020 National Judo Championships and National Judo Championship Women’s 78 kg and above champion. On September 19, 2021, he won the bronze medal in the judo mixed team at the 14th National Games with the Jiangsu team.[2]

Chinese judo player

Wang Yan is a Chinese female judo athlete.[1]

On November 25, 2020, won the 2020 National Judo Championships and National Judo Championship Women’s 78 kg and above champion. On September 19, 2021, won with the Jiangsu teamThe 14th National Games Judo Mixed Team Bronze Medal.[2]

Country of Citizenship
Affiliated sports team


1. Information release system for the 14th Games of the People’s Republic of China[引用日期2021-09-26]
2. The 14th Games of the People’s Republic of China[引用日期2021-09-20]
3. Tencent[引用日期2018-08-31]
5. https://www.thepaper.cn2018-08-06[引用日期2018-08-14]
6. State Sports General Administration 2019-01-10[引用日期2019-01-10]
7. Sina Sports 2019-04-24[引用日期2019-04-24]
8. Sina[引用日期2020-11-26]


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