United for basketball | News The Tribune of Ciudad Real

The Little Players Basketball Circuit celebrated its second day this Sunday, which took place at the Hermano Gárate school in Ciudad Real, which took place in an atmosphere of excellent coexistence, enjoying a splendid morning practicing their favorite sport.

This Pequeños Jugones Circuit is aimed at children born in 2013 and 2014 and has the participation of 150 schoolchildren from the Nuestra Señora del Prado Marianistas school, Basket Cervantes, CB Ciudad Real, Santo Tomás school, Salesianos Hermano Gárate school, CB Pozuelo de Calatrava and La Merced de Miguelturra school.

Its main objective is to bring children closer to the practice of basketball at ages where they still cannot compete in the Regional School Age Championship. Apart from the development of sports skills, it also has a clear purpose of coexistence, acquiring for its life the values ​​that sport can contribute.

One of the matches that were played. – Photo: LTThe Youth and Sports Service of the Provincial Delegation of Education, Culture and Sports of Ciudad Real participates in the organization of this Small Players Circuit, together with the Diputación, the Basketball Federation of Castilla-La Mancha, educational centers and participating clubs, as well as the City Council of Ciudad Real.

The circuit is included in the Line for the Promotion of Physical-Sports Activity of the Somos-Deporte 3-18 Program and will hold concentrations every two weeks until April.

After the dispute of the first two days, the third is scheduled for Sunday, December 18 at the facilities of the Santo Tomás school.


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