This Selection is like the Argentines

Argentines are resilient. We fall and we get up. We hit ourselves, we hurt ourselves, we hurt ourselves, we bruise ourselves and we heal. We run out of nothing and start again. We break and fight again. We lose and bet again. Perhaps because of that day to day so distressing, that she demands of us surf obstacles all the timewe ended up awarded with honors in reinventing ourselves.

This Selection represents us. She was on the crest of the wave a year ago, she went to Qatar with 36 games undefeated and soldiers began to fall before starting. In addition to those who did not arrive in Doha in good shape. Lionel Scaloni had to lower some of his most faithful flags and reinvent the team.

The tremendous blow of the first game. We had to get up (AP Photo / Natacha Pisarenko)
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The ten keys to the final between Argentina-France

And the reaction is an example of resilience after starting off on the wrong footwith unusual ten minutes of bullshit that made us lose the game and from which we did not recover until Messi’s goal against Mexicotrue turning point of this campaign.

Argentina grew match by match, as Messi was growing. That, if we talk about resilience, he is a guy who, at the age of playing with his friends, had to inject himself with hormones because he did not grow. That he had to go looking for the development of his talents 10,000 kilometers from his Rosario neighborhood.

He overcame the incredible draw by the Netherlands at 100 minutes (EFE / EPA / Rungroj Yongrit).He overcame the incredible draw by the Netherlands at 100 minutes (EFE / EPA / Rungroj Yongrit).
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The Pope already has the Papu shirt

And that, particularly with the National Team, he experienced the nightmare of trying and trying and never crowning. He, who came to resign because he believed that it was “the best for me and for everyone”, also reinvented himself. He was the captain of the team that won the Copa América at the Maracana and This one from Qatar is the best Messi who has never played in the National Team.

So, what will happen will happen, but there was already a path to remember that It will be good that we recognize if it ends in runner-up: this team rebuilt our illusion. And that let’s enjoy, without arrogance but with legitimate prideif it ends as we all want.


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