This is what the investor plan at Werder Bremen could look like

This is what the investor plan at Werder Bremen could look like

Niclas Fullkrug, Christian Gross

© Getty Images

An economic expert talks about a possible investor model for Werder Bremen. The SVW is attractive again.

Discussions about an investor joining Werder Bremen have gained momentum in recent months. An economic expert from Bremen has now commented.

“The fact is: With the current business model, Werder can handle normal football business, but there is a lack of any capital for investments in Werder’s future. Of course, the academy immediately comes to mind. But there are many other areas like for example digitization”, said the renowned Bremen economist Prof. Dr. Rudolph Hickel the Deichstube.

The economist interferes in the investor discussion at Werder. The SME bond shows that there are definitely interested parties who want to invest in Werder. And further: “Due to the recent structural change, that the association is no longer represented in the management, a modern corporate constitution was created for the entry of a private investor.”

And even more: Werder is financially stable again and not at risk of insolvency. Hickel even demanded: “The old club Werder Bremen, which was already on the verge of collapse, is attractive again today and capable of development. The managing directors Klaus Filbry and Frank Baumann deserve a Senate medal for the fiscal success and the further development of the substance on the field.”

What could the plan look like with an investor? For the expert, the matter is clear. “My preferred solution would still be a group of investors from Bremen and the surrounding area with a normal stake of 24.9 percent, i.e. below the blocking minority,” he said.

In the past few months, those responsible for the association have also commented on the subject. “This money could help put us in a position to modernize the company, invest in the infrastructure and also in the workforce,” said President Hubertus Hess-Grunewald recently.

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This article was originally published on as This is what the investor plan at Werder Bremen could look like.



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