The Solidarity Tournament ‘A Toy for Badminton’ once again reaps a great success of participation | huelva24

The V Solidarity Tournament ‘A toy for Badminton’ organized by the IES La Orden Badminton Club, in collaboration with the Atlantic Copper Foundation and the Huelva City Council, got to gather close yesterday [Img #313167]of 300 people from Huelva who spent the afternoon at the Andrés Estrada Sports Center enjoying this sport and contributing their bit by collecting food and toys.

As in previous years, the celebration of this solidarity event has been a great success of participation. The IES La Orden has been able to collect more than 250 kilograms of food to benefit the Food Bank and a large number of toys that have already been delivered to Ciudad de los Niños. “Our only intention is to bring a bit of happiness to the children who will then play with the toys and of course help the food bank that is always there for the people of Huelva,” says the president of the club, María Eugenia Lorenzo.

The tournament, which aims to combine the promotion of badminton with solidarity, thus consolidates itself as one more Huelva Christmas tradition.

[Img #313168]


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