The Jujea Tennis Association ratified its willingness to support the sports development of Valentino Ancasi

In recent weeks, a situation involving the jujeo Valentino Ancasi and its sporting future within the tennis. To make everything clear, from the Jujuy Tennis Association (AJT) issued a statement where they remarked the objective of support, promote and encourage the sporting and personal development of the child from the official entity.

As detailed from the Jujea Tennis Association, on December 20 the Board of Directors of the provincial entity held a meeting with Valentino’s parents to find out the reasons that caused the discomfort or the interpretation that the mechanisms were not implemented from the institution. to help the child in his sports development.

From the AJT they detailed that they had not received formal knowledge of what happened and scheduled the meeting to strengthen communication. As specified, the meeting was carried out in a cordial and pleasant manner and the association assumed responsibility as an official entity before the Argentine Tennis Association for the management of its affiliates and ratified his willingness to support and encourage Valentino’s sporting and personal development, like that of all the young tennis players in the province”.

On the other hand, the AJT established its commitment to review and formalize the corresponding communication channels to avoid similar situations and to implement the necessary mechanisms in order to avoid future similar situations.


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