the exclusive school in Paris attended by the children of the world champion

Lionel Messi is not only a football man, but also a family man. It was made evident by having celebrated not only with his teammates, but with his family, the third world title for the Argentine team, by defeating France from the penalty shootout in Qatar 2022. The 10th was seen smiling for to obtain the trophy that he always dreamed of, the one that some demanded of him to consider him the best footballer of all time,

Who released images of the celebration in the Lusail State was his wifeAntonela Roccuzzo, who also commented: “I don’t even know how to start, what a great pride we feel for you. Thank you for teaching us to never give up, that we have to fight until the end. At last it happened, you are world champion. We know what you suffered for so many years, what you wanted to achieve this”.

The portraits with their children: Thiago (10 years old), Mateo (7 years old), and Ciro (4 years old) made more than one wonder about the lifestyle they live, given that their father is more than a star: a legend. It is not uncommon, for example, to imagine the luxury school where they should study.

In Star+Some time ago, he stated that they “already know” that going out for a family outing implies, among other things, being asked for an autograph and that, in addition to winning the World Cup, one of his dreams come true is to have the wife and children he has .

“I am very happy, I am lucky to do what I like, what I dreamed of since I was little. Have a wonderful family. Wife, my children, my great family: my brothers, my old people, my wife’s family. That is the most important. And my friends, which is the most important thing,” she said.

A dream school

About his children, it is known that they study in one of the best schools in Paris, where the whole family moved after, through tears, Leo said goodbye to FC Barcelona to try his luck at PSG. “At first there is the fear of the new, more than anything, believing that they were going to have a bad time, that they were going to suffer from the change and nothing to do with it,” Messi said after the move, but everything indicates that things have not been able to come out better.

The institution where the children study is the American School of Paris, an international school of more than 64 nationalities. “Each of our students embodies the underlying spirit of an American education. Our focus on the strengths within each child, a pervasive ‘can do’ attitude, coupled with our rigorous curriculum and expert teachers, ensures that each student explores the full range of their potential.

As is to be expected, the American School of Paris, Located in Saint Cloud, 9 km away from the well-known Eiffel Tower, it has state-of-the-art facilities, including recording studios, a movie theater, digital laboratories, as well as soccer fields for those who want to follow Messi’s example.

Just taking the exam to enter the institution can cost 1,400 euros, that is, 7 million Colombian pesos. Meanwhile, the registration fee is 60 million pesos, and the monthly fee can range from 90 million pesos to 195 million Colombian pesosdepending on the academic level at which the students are enrolled.

The school where the children of Leo Messi and Antonela study usually leave students who later choose to continue their education at the best universities in the world, including Harvard and Imperial College London.


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