The Departmental Committee for Equestrian Tourism has more and more members

On Friday, November 25, the CDTE held its general assembly in the village hall of Granges-sur-Lot.

After a word of welcome from Mayor Jean-Marie Boé, who was delighted to welcome the members and to underline his interest in horses and their riders, it was in front of 45 players in equestrian tourism (riders, professionals, rally organizers , …) and Mrs. Gracianne Bazas, president of the Regional Equestrian Tourism Committee of New Aquitaine, that President Salvador Mérida presented the activity and financial reports of the association.

He was pleased with the ever-increasing number of licensees and underlined the performance of the riders, in particular those of archery on horseback from the Hantayo Farm, a veritable breeding ground for talent.

The calendar of departmental and regional rallies was then drawn up, including that of the “Grand regional Nouvelle-Aquitaine” as well as in other departments.

All the programs and information on the CDTE can be consulted on the website:

At the end of the meeting, the friendship drink ended the evening in the magnificent village hall of this welcoming village.


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