the Argentine braggart in victory

Argentina won the long-awaited World Cup this Sunday that they had been chasing since 1986, the last time the albiceleste reached football heaven. Leo Messi’s men beat Mbappé’s France in a very exciting final that placed the Argentine captain at the level of the greatest without discussion after achieving the title he was missing.

Joy and jubilation invaded the entire Argentine national team and the millions of fans that the team has all over the world, turning the post-match into a great party.

However, some gestures slightly overshadowed the great day of the albiceleste and did not go unnoticed on social networks.

One of them was the Dibu Martínez, the goalkeeper of Argentinaone of the great heroes of the night who made an obscene gesture when he was named the best goalkeeper in the World Cup.

The goalkeeper took the golden glove to his genitals, in an action that for many was unnecessary in a moment of celebration without further ado.

Kun remembers Camavinga

Another one that was on everyone’s lips was Kun Agüero who, although he was forced to retire due to heart problems a year ago, shared the World Cup experience with his compatriots.

In an Instagram live made from the Argentina locker room, the former City player, among other clubs, remembered Eduardo Camavinga, midfielder for France and Real Madrid, whom he called a ‘prick face’, in a video that didn’t take long to go viral.

Meanwhile, thousands and thousands of people continue to take to the streets all over the planet to celebrate the great success of the Scaloni team, which returns to the football Olympus in style.


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