the AJU launches a seminar for referees and coaches

African Judo referees and coaches at the opening of the seminar in Kinshasa 2 attachments • Analysis by Gmail

The African Judo Union (AJU) launched this Wednesday in Kinshasa a training seminar for African referees and coaches. A hundred participants from several countries of the continent take part in these meetings led by the Senegalese Babacar Ngom and the Egyptian Khaled Anwer, two experts from the AJU. The objective of this seminar is to improve the level of African judo, indicated Babacar Ngom at the opening. ” Coming here, we have clear objectives from the president of the AJU. We are here to unite the Judo family. The mission is to spend three days of training during which we will work to know what is new and what needs to be added so that the quality of our Judo is better ” did he declare. This seminar will run until December 9.


Oumar Ndongo


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