Thank you for so much, Nick Bolletieri

SWe knew you were very sick, weeks ago some of us echoed the news that was being published about your ascent to heaven, even such confusion led me to call Steve The latchyour agent and best friend, to make sure what was being published, and when I spoke to him, he already told me that it was a matter of days…

Now coinciding with the courses that I am teaching together with Emilio Sanchez Vicario from the International Coaches Institute at their Academy in Naples, Florida… we made sure to check on you and knew it was a matter of days… and yesterday Sunday you went up to heaven.

you led the way For many coaches, those of us who had the opportunity to see your Academy in the early years, on that farm where there were tomatoes planted, where you put your first tracks, we had a mirror to grow, we wanted to be like you, you were our mirror, you exercised a different leadership… and then you gave us the opportunity to work with you and learn…

In my case I always say that the months I was working by your side They were an authentic Master, at the level of the best Business Schools in the World. You opened the way for many of us because we learned to work on the track with a different, pioneering, innovative, military training model. We had the opportunity to learn to string rackets, in my case I remember that the first day you made me string 50 and at the end of the day I couldn’t feel my fingers. You learn quickly, you learn makingthere were no excuses.

We also learned how to drive buses, how to operate a store, how to control the players at night, we learned about the admissions department, how to run a restaurant and cafeteria, we had to learn how to sell in the sales department and of course , of how the marketing: at that time interviews, articles, TV, posters, brochures, advertisements… Visibility .

The Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy was by far the largest and it was a turning point in our industry, so you also paved the way for many Academies and training centers, who copied your model and they dreamed of having another center that was similar or even better.

Then I had the opportunity to do many coaching courses at the RPT together with the Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy, thanks to your right hand for more than three decades: Gaby Jaramillo, within our Academy Tennis specialization program of the Professional Tennis Registry.

we had the opportunity to bring you to Spain on numerous occasions to share all your ideas and systems, and in the RPT USA Tour that we have organized for more than 20 consecutive years with visits to different centers and academies in the United States, I always had a regular visit: the Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy, where you always opened the doors of your house for us and shared everything you had with all the Spanish coaches who participated.

You also helped us implement the RPT programs “STREETennis” “CHARLYTennis” and “ADULTennis” in the United States, together with our mutual friend Tim Hecklerwho at that time was the CEO of the United States Professional Tennis Association, and with whom you will now meet in heaven.

we were together, giving conferences in many Congresses, Conferences and Symposiums in the United States, Latin America, Asia and Europe, always promoting our sport and helping tennis coaches.

I’m so proud to have you as’International Master Professional‘ within the Professional Tennis Registry. When we celebrate our XX Anniversary we wanted to establish a status for all those who helped us achieve our dream and developed our sport to a higher level, so now from heaven, you will continue to be with us ALWAYS.

You left a very important mark and legacy in our industry and in our hearts.

Many GRACIAS so.

Rest in peace Nick Bollettieri

Luis Mediero is president and founder of the Professional Tennis Registry and organizer of the MARCA Training Circuits.


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