Sustainable sports facilities, 500 thousand euros to Trieste companies and clubs

20.12.2022 – 10.00 – The Region, through theenvironment department, energy and sustainable development, financed 10.3 million for sustainable sports facilities. Of these, approx 500mila euro they were destined for sports organizations in the province of Trieste. In this case, the recipients are the Trieste Tennis Club (100,000 euros), the Triestina Gymnastics Society (100,000 euros), the “Nazario Sauro” Merchant Marine Club of Barcola (100,000 euros), the ASD Junior Alpina baseball softball (100,000 euros) and the asd Servolana (94,550 euros).
“Sports activities are fundamental not only for a better quality of life, but also for consolidating the values ​​of our society – this is the comment of councilor Scoccimarro -. The current energy crisis is affecting management costs and the increase fell on families, which is why last summer I prepared the standard for ecological efficiency (ie both water and energy) of public and private sports facilities. A measure to contain costs and at the same time based on environmental sustainability”.
The objective of the proposed interventions are to guarantee less expenses for the installations (and consequently for those who frequent them) and at the same time respect for the environment.



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