Stephen Curry got a huge piece of advice from Tom Brady

As he turned 34 this year, Stephen Curry now has 14 NBA career seasons behind him. Thus, the Warriors point guard is closer to the end than the beginning of his career, but he does not seem ready to stop yet. He also discussed this subject with a certain Tom Bradywho gave him a huge piece of advice before his retirement.

It has now been nearly 15 years since Stephen Curry makes the happiness of Warriors. Drafted in 2009, Baby Face had difficulties when he arrived in NBA, hampered by numerous injuries. Since then, he has become the best shooter in league history. Last year, he even broke the record for Ray Allen the number of three-point shots made. But last March, Stephen Curry celebrated his 34th birthday and some are beginning to wonder about the rest of his career.

“I spoke to Tom Brady”

How long will it continue to evolve in NBA ? The question arises and he was also questioned on this subject, during an evening organized by Sports Illustrated. Besides, Stephen Curry revealed to have discussed this subject a certain Tom Brady. « I spoke to Tom Brady about where he is at this point in his career. He’s still playing at a high level at 44, and his advice was to just take the years one by one. There is no way to skip steps, to fast forward. That’s how you got here, so don’t rush to guess how long you can…

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