Sports. The Department in the role of Santa Claus for 169 clubs

This Saturday, the Department distributed sports equipment which will benefit approximately 2,050 young licensees. A total of 900 educational kits with a total value of €77,000

to be picked up at the La Source de Druelle complex in the morning. By opening its box, the Gages judo club and its president Hugues Cavalié, for example, discovered two sets of four kimonos, of top-of-the-range quality. “It’s a good help for us, because we don’t charge the families, we’re the ones who provide the equipment. We usually take kimonos which are worth around 12 euros, but the ones we have there are worth around 70 euros!”.

Figure eight bowling, cycling, athletics, badminton, swimming, tennis, archery… 19 different sports have received their educational kit. “This year, it was for individual sports, like last year we did the same for team sports”, specifies the president of the Department, Arnaud Viala. The event is destined to be repeated every year to “ensure that our athletes have all the necessary equipment to flourish” on “all the territory and in all disciplines”.


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