“Sport Inclusive”, the UNVS Messina at the G. Minutoli Higher Institute | PHOTO

An extraordinary morning of sport, curated by the Messina section “Anna Rita Sidoti” of theUNVS (National Union of Veterans of Sport), at the citizen “Istituto Superiore G. Minutoli”, as part of the project “Sport Inclusive – for the enhancement of women in active sport”. With the involvement of the students of the aforementioned school, in the gymnasium and in the adjoining 5-a-side soccer field, the Messina members of the UNVS, federal technicians, promoted their reference sports last Thursday 15 December, collaborating with the teachers of physical education, among them Prof. Giusy Morsicato, enrolled in the UNVS Messina since its foundation.

Numerous activities took place in the spaces granted: performances, practical tests, futsal tournaments and then high jump competitions, tennis, badminton, volleyball, basketball, American football, judo and, lastly, fitness. The initiative at the Istituto Superiore G. Minutoli obtained great acclaim, receiving applause from both the head teacher, prof. Pietro Giovanni La Tona, that of the school staff, as well as, above all, of the female students and their families. Long live the satisfaction expressed by the president Andrea Argento and by the entire board for having achieved the objective of the project, promoting female sports practice, thanks to the spirit of collaboration that distinguishes the UNVS Messina which can boast among its members, always ready to take the field to ensure the success of each activity, federal technicians of high quality and proven experience, together with ex-athletes of the highest level.


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