Sport climbing – Rekabi at trainer program – Sport

Iranian sport climber Elnaz Rekabi, who competed without a headscarf at the Asian Championships, is taking part in a leadership program of the International Olympic Committee. The 33-year-old was selected for the so-called Wish project, which aims to increase the number of female coaches at the Olympics. Women “who have the potential and the ambition to work successfully as trainers at the top level in their sports” could apply, as the World Climbing Association IFSC announced. In addition to Rekabi, Beatrix Chong (Singapore), Stella Kerasidou (Greece) and Meghan McDonald (USA) are also participating from sport climbing. The program lasts 21 months. Rekabi caused a stir when she competed in the final of the Asian Championships in Seoul in mid-October without the headscarf that is obligatory for Iranian athletes – and then temporarily disappeared. With her performance, she became the figurehead of the protests against the Islamic system and the compulsory headscarf in Iran overnight.


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