Sharks and Eagles divided in Maracaibo

Tiburones de La Guaira and Águilas del Zulia divided commitments in the double day played on Thursday at the Luis Aparicio “El Grande” stadium in Maracaibo.

With an attendance of more than 2,500 people, the local team made their home respected with a solid 11-7 victory against Los Salados, in a game where Luis Moncada took the victory, while the save went to Silvino Bracho.

On offense, the great figures were Bryant Flete with a triple drive and Carlos Herrera with a double.

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The second game was more focused on pitching during the first innings, being defined in the last innings of the commitment thanks to a wave of hits from both teams to end up at 6-5.

Ángel Aguilar and Franklin Barreto were the offensive figures for Tiburones, while the game was won by Arnaldo Hernández.


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