Quarrels with pizzeria owners and comes back with a rifle, panic among customers – Retesei

He had an argument with the owners of a pizzeria, and after threatening them with a baseball bat he reappeared with a rifle, causing a general stampede. The man was eventually arrested by the carabinieri and will now have to answer for detention and carrying a firearm in a public place, receiving stolen goods and aggravated threat. The story took place on the evening of 23 December in Castel Volturno, in the province of Caserta. The protagonist is a 51-year-old Neapolitan, arrested by the soldiers of the Mondragone Army and now locked up in the prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere.

It all happened outside the “Primavera” pizzeria in via Antonio Gramsci in Castel Volturno: the 51-year-old had a violent argument with the owners of the pizzeria, starting to threaten them with a baseball bat. Then he went away and everything seemed to come back: instead, shortly after he reappeared armed with a rifle, looking for his “targets”. At the sight of the armed man, a general stampede was triggered, with those present terrified but who managed to call the Carabinieri and report what was happening.

The soldiers of the Arma who arrived at the scene blocked the man and arrested him. Inside his Fiat Idea they also found a Flobert model 9-gauge semi-automatic rifle, with no make or serial number but with a bullet in the cartridge chamber, and therefore ready to fire. In the car you found sixteen other cartridges of the same caliber, as well as the baseball bat used shortly before. Thus the arrest was triggered for the 51-year-old: he must answer for detention and carrying in a public place a firearm, receiving stolen goods and aggravated threats against the owners of the pizzeria.


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